05. Lab I: Build a Dog Microservice (Eureka)

Lab I: Build a Dog Microservice

Once again, you'll work with a dog-related API, this time to create a Microservice that returns a list of dogs from an embedded H2 in memory database and registers itself with a Eureka Server. While you may have some code re-use from before, you'll get a chance to see how much you are able to cut out from the earlier REST API in implementing a microservice.


In a new module create the Eureka Service:

  • Step 1: Create a SpringBoot project that creates a Eureka server.

    • Ensure that you use the proper dependencies in the Maven POM file and the necessary annotations.
    • Make a note of the service URL and add any other necessary details in application.properties.
  • Step 2: Use a web browser to view the Eureka web console.